The PERFECT Sandwich

This will be my last post in America – though I’m not promising anything. So read up:

  1. 1/3: Round challah bread. Slow roasted brisket. Apples. Honey. Kugel – hold the raisins.
  2. 1/3: One week in Tallinn, Estonia.
  3. 1/3: Repent sins with a side of 24hour fast

I know I overuse and abuse the adjective “PERFECT”, but this recipe is really sitting well in my stomach. With 5 days remaining until I make moves to Estonia, I realized I’ve been served a pretty fantastic high holiday sandwich.

Why? How? Are you using another metaphor to prove your point? Yes, of course I am. If I could use a metaphive, I would.

I’m being served the perfect sandwich because a higher power is basically saying, “Happy Jewish new year, indulge in foods that are 1,200kcal per serving; get on a plane to Estonia – because the altitude and sodium from the brisket will do wonders to your ankles and phalanges; during the first week, you’re off the hook if you offend anyone, so please lose your passport and proudly get lost finding your apartment coming back from your first outing. Come to Shul on Yom Kippur, pray and pound your heart out, and don’t even think about food. Have an enriching, meaningful year.”

Of course I won’t intentionally stuff up my first week, but I’m also finding it peaceful that maybe I don’t have to be so hard on myself if I do end up getting excommunicated my first week. Not likely, but the sandwich is looking good for me.

To everyone observing, HAPPY 5773 – wishing you a sweet, happy, and sandwich-filled year! Make sure you check out Tallinn’s FB page here and sift through some photo’s!


Jenstonia – reporting from America, but not for long!