Rabbi Al

World, meet Travelin’ Rabbi Al.

Born in Cape Town, South Africa at the Jewish History Museum and raised in the interior pocket of my purse. Rabbi Al will be my personal traveling buddy, body guard, multilingual translator and probably the best listener ever.

His name is derived from the City of TALlinn, which is the capital of Estonia, which is one of the three BALtic states. So deep.

Rabbi Al is my Tikkun olam. תיקון עולם. Repair the world. He’s my reminder that I am where I am, doing what I’m doing, for a reason bigger than myself. Wherever I go, whoever I meet, whatever I can’t translate in English, I am owed nothing. I owe the world everything. This is the small, but great Rabbi Al.

Check back for updates and pictures with Travelin’ Rabbi Al! #rabbiAl

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