“Today we celebrate the history of Jewish survival, and instill a passion for social justice”

Today, I’m sitting a quick train ride away from Auchswitz, the largest network of Nazi concentration camps. Today, I’m angrier, sadder, and more hopeful than before. I want so badly to scream, “I hate you” into the wind, reaching everyone involved in the heinous crimes 74-years ago. I want so badly to scream, “HEY! Look how far we’ve come! We’ll continue to go further.”

Just upstairs is an entire hallway overcome with 1,000 names, innocent people, who were murdered in Estonia. If you step outside, you can pass physical land that once held the 22 concentration and labor camps for foreign Jews. Here, 10,000 Jews were lost.

Today, I sit in what feels like arm-length to the 10,000 beautiful people in Poland, who are walking 3 kilometers on the same tracks thousands marched to their death towards the end of WWII. Today, they carry our people. Today, they illustrate the continued existence of world Jewry. 

“It is not a matter of remembering or forgetting, their blood flows in our blood, boiling till this day,” President Shimon Peres said. “We will not be calmed. The distance (March of the Living) is not that big, it happened 74 years ago, it is part of our biography, not part of our history.”

Watch the March of The Living LIVE here: http://www.timesofisrael.com/march-of-the-living-sets-out/

We shall never recover, we shall never forget, for the Holocaust lives within us. 


Join me in running 6k for the 6,000,000 lost.