The Spirit of a Small Community


Sometimes I am taken by my current location

When the sky isn’t grey or white or “Baltic winter”, the sun’s rays do more than just bring Vitamin D and one less shiver

They shine upon buildings, on street signs, on knitted scarves protecting delicate faces

They nudge my feet to catch my head

They tell my heart to sew deeper

Photo: Treadmill view - not bad Tallinn, not bad. #tallinn #citycenterIMG_0213IMG_2991

 They remind me

I am in the FSU, I am in Europe

I see preserved Soviet Stars and “õ ä ö ü” (oohhaooauuuu)

“Hah”, I giggle very acceptingly, I’ll never speak Estonian

 I feel trams swiftly moving beneath my over-socked feet

And cars gliding through brown slush on what’s left of the street

 IMG_2809 IMG_2797

I pass cafes on every corner, some European-ly intricate, some Soviet-ly not

Free WiFi stamped on each window, 4 Euro for this cappuccino


“Aitah” I say as I walk out the door

But “aitah” they won’t say when they look at the floor

The mush from the street

Leaves the tile not so neat

But I learned long ago that verses nature…

Man can’t compete


I put my hands back in leather

Assured my cappuccino helps bear the weather


I look up, astonished, furry hood obscuring the view

Re-reminding myself, HEY, you live here too!


Then I get to go to a vibrant corner in the center of town, where passionate people work hard, and community is found.

The spirit immeasurable, the fight noteworthy

All for the purpose of keeping our small tribe enduring


Shared responsibility, Jewish Peoplehood, revival

All the things I yearned to feel

After many stories of survival


The spirit of a small community

Pure and true

Gives the feeling of togetherness

Me and You


Maybe just maybe

This shekel goes here, and that one there

Euro makes few, but they don’t just make do

They make history

They make future

“From Survival to Revival”

 Kadima '12-293 Kadima '12-87

The spirit of a small community

Tallinn, Estonia

I wanted to try something a little different, and I’m almost positive rhyming is fun for everyone. Woops, that’s my last one I promise. This is my poetic attempt at casually taking you through everything I see, hear, and feel. I left smells out for no specific reason. So quit sniffing. The bigger part of this is “the spirit of the small, Jewish community”; it’s quite difficult for me to use words to portray the beautiful energy that exists here, but the main thing I wanted to leave you with is that with so little, they make so much. And they fight so hard to ensure the future generations are able to receive some things we may overlook or deem as “normal” in our upbringing. I am constantly surprised by the spirit and might of the leaders and involved members of the community, and I owe them so much for continuously re-lighting my Jewish fire and peeking my curiosity to explore further.

“But the people on the street, out on buses or on feet, we all got the same blood flow” – Amos Lee